Julianne Parkinson – Newsletter October 2021

In this newsletter, we talk to our global network, including world leading experts in the field of ageing well, Prof Göran Roos about the importance of LifeLabs and co-creating for ageing populations and Prof John Beard about opportunities for Australia to become the global leading in “shaking off the shackles” of outdated thinking when it comes to older people.

It’s time Australia shakes off the shackles of outdated thinking when it comes to ageing

The ageing landscape is filled with opportunity for businesses, governments, and people who look for it. Today, more than ever before, people and living longer, and want better quality of life than ever before. And there are so few organisations or service providers in tune with the needs and wants of our ageing populations.

Today older people are “living” in aged care homes, not only existing in them

One of the most exciting changes in the world of ageing well has been a recognition that people want to celebrate, live and enjoy their lives for as long as they are able. In recent years, there has been a conscious movement from pure care in aged care homes, to more support and enablement – allowing people to remain as independent for as long as possible, wherever possible.