About us

The Global Centre for Modern Ageing (GCMA) is not-for-profit and our purpose is to improve the lives of older people.  


Through advocacy, market development, partnerships, research and learning, we help organisations and individuals to devise, build and commercialise products and services that allow older people to live and age well.

We have deep expertise in end-user experience research, which brings fresh, evidence-based insights to the Ageing Well industry.

Our internationally accredited, award-winning Living Laboratory is a leading, real-time test facility that allows organisations to invent and trial products and services in a simulated ‘real-life’ environment. It produces best-in-class research outcomes to help improve the lives of older people.


We conduct two key streams of research:

Public-benefit research projects - including our 2020 Ageing in the Right Place : An Australian Perspective, and our 2020 COVID-19 Study. Our work builds knowledge and provides evidence to inform decision-making. Our public-benefit research informs the development of policies, products and services to positively impact the lives of older people now and in the future.

Bespoke research projects for clients. The projects are aligned with the GCMA’s core operations and our charitable purpose of advancing the Ageing Well industry.

Putting older people at the heart of our solutions

We work closely with older people to gain rich insights to inform industry.

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  • Engage older people as co-designers in our research projects, enabling us to deliver high quality insights to industry participants.

  • Gather insights and investigate trends for industry through forums with older people discussing their lived experiences.

  • Conduct public-benefit research that provides insights into the lives of older people, which we then share with members of the Ageing Well industry to support the development of the Australian and global industry.

Our Values

  • We believe in the power of the many to make a difference.

  • We foster communication, collaboration and innovation.

  • We are committed to growing our industry.

  • We are dedicated to improving the lives of older people.

  • We unleash the value of lived experience.

  • We empower older people by giving them a voice.

  • We invest our passion and intellect in everything we do.

  • We are agile, independent and resourceful.

  • We champion diversity of people and perspectives.

  • We deliver timely, quality outcomes – every time.

  • We are the Global Centre for Modern Ageing.

our Strategic Objectives

  • Conversation disruption 

    Shifting the existing mindset about ageing.

  • Global connection 

    Becoming recognised globally as a significant driver in the modern ageing network. 

  • Market growth  

    Facilitating businesses and research partners to develop products and services.

  • Best in class 

    Operating an award-winning best-of-class Modern Ageing LifeLab network.


To learn more about our work – including how we can help your organisation - please email us, or call +61 8 6117 5510 to speak with a member of our team.

The modern ageing phenomenon
