Become a co-designer

Become a co-designer and work alongside businesses to design, build and commercialise products and services that enable people to live well and age well.

By joining our co-design and research community, you will have the opportunity to take part in a range of co-design activities.

Projects range from half day workshop activities to longer term studies that may span several months at our LifeLab in Tonsley, as well as in real life community settings. We also have research studies that are conducted as surveys, online forums or by using Apps. The common thread is innovative products, services and technologies that reflect the opportunities of modern ageing.

This is your chance to tell businesses and organisations what matters to you, and work alongside them on product and service development ideas, to better meet your needs and preferences in the future.

To see some of the projects our co-designers and researchers have worked on in the past, check out our case studies.

To register as a prospective participant, please use the form below.


Participant Registration


For further information about co-design, please email us using the button below.