What we offer
The Global Centre for Modern Ageing (GCMA) helps businesses test, refine and provide customer validation for their products and services using a globally recognised framework. Our goal is to equip businesses to identify and meet the needs of their chosen audiences maximising take-up in the market place.
We have deep expertise in end-user experience research, which brings fresh, evidence-based insights to the Ageing Well industry. Our internationally accredited, award-winning Living Laboratory produces best-in-class research outcomes to help improve the lives of older people.
Our research is purposed to inform the development of policies, products and services to positively impact the lives of older people now and in the future. We engage with individuals, government, industry and research partners to inform them to devise, build and deliver products and services that better support older people to live and age well.
Our services include:
Research and Learning
Co-design sessions to assist in concept development and in pre-market refining of products/services.
User experience testing in our LifeLab to validate usability and strengthen uptake.
In-field and in-lab testing to bolster market confidence to investors and buyers that the product/service has been adequately user tested.
Desktop research to capture evidence from across the globe to strategically inform the business case and subsequent phases of development;.
Scoping and undertaking new research to fill the gaps in knowledge and insights to inform decision making.
Market development and partnerships
Connect key members of the modern ageing ecosystem.
Prepare organisations for their role in the new modern ageing sector.
Showcase innovation success in modern ageing.
Influence government policy.
Advocate for the needs of older people.
Our expert team operates within the standards of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and importantly, the GCMA’s LifeLab is one of only 33 labs worldwide specialising in ageing.
As most GCMA co-design and research projects include people’s participation, an ethics review is undertaken for each project to comply with recognised national research ethics standards.
Interested in finding out how the GCMA can help your business? Contact us today, we’d love to hear from you.