
'StepUp' to reimagine the future of ageing in Australia

The Global Centre for Modern Ageing® is proud to champion a new service, committed to transformational outcomes for older people. StepUp for Ageing Research connects volunteers aged 18 plus with tailored opportunities to contribute to ageing and/or dementia-focused research projects.

Resolutions for Ageing Well in 2023

Ageing well is a shared aspiration of many, and can inspire resolutions for healthier, happier, and more active living in 2023 and beyond. Taking inspiration from the world’s famed Blue Zones, we share eight evidence-based resolutions for longevity.

Embracing Age-Inclusivity: Creating Harmonious, Productive Intergenerational Teams


An age inclusive working environment can deliver a host of benefits for organisations of all sizes.

While leadership, organisational culture and interpersonal dynamics doubtless contribute to a team’s success or failure, there is compelling evidence to suggest that age-diverse teams communicate better, and generate more creative, efficient, and effective solutions to problems than homogenous teams (Rousseau, Tannenbaum, & VanEpps, 2008). They can also improve an organisation’s ability to understand and serve a diverse customer base by welcoming a diverse array of perspectives.

Every employee, regardless of age, should feel valued and respected in their workplace. Organisations can actively promote a respectful culture by factoring age diversity into their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs.

Establishing clear policies, including age inclusive recruitment and retention strategies, is an excellent first step to preventing discrimination or harassment on the basis of age. Organisations can also highlight their company’s commitment to inclusivity in internal communications, or by supporting employees to form and participate in age inclusive affinity groups. Hybrid and flexible working arrangements, including flexible hours, can be especially appealing for older workers.

Per the Stanford Center on Longevity’s New Map of Life, allowing employees across the age spectrum paid and unpaid intervals to fulfill caregiving responsibilities, manage health conditions, pursue higher learning, and navigate social transitions can keep individuals earning, building financial stability, contributing to taxes, and creating benefits for themselves, their workplaces, and society for longer.

Many older workers say they are less likely to receive training and development opportunities than their younger colleagues. There is evidence to suggest their impressions are correct, with one UK study finding no explanation for the disparity, beyond the workers’ age (Blanchflower, 2013). Equitable access to training and development can enable employees of all ages to broaden their skills and knowledge, providing value to the individual and business alike. A worker should never be deemed ‘too old’ to be worthy of further investment.

Mentoring programs can encourage knowledge sharing, and foster solidarity, between older and younger workers. Both mentors and mentees can experience the positive effects of such programs, including increased job satisfaction, career development, and organisational loyalty (Mallette, Dominguez, & Tannenbaum, 2016).

The Global Centre for Modern Ageing® offers expert advisory services, and can support your business to plan, implement and measure age inclusive practices and policies. For detailed guidance tailored to your organisation’s unique needs and challenges, get in touch with our team.

Julianne Parkinson - Newsletter February 2023

‘At the Global Centre for Modern Ageing®, we firmly believe that retaining older Australians in meaningful employment, and encouraging retirees to re-join the workforce with the appropriate levels of support is critical to maintaining our nation’s prosperity and economic productivity’. Read more of CEO Julianne Parkinson’s welcome letter.

Interview with Board Director Philippa Lewis

“There’s a lot we can learn from AI and machine learning about people ageing in their homes”, says GCMA Board Director Philippa Lewis. “Things the average carer would not pick up on. Wearables and sensors can be incredibly powerful, providing bio-feedback and analysis which in turn enhances their comfort, security, and dignity.” Read more about Philippa’s perspective on technology for older users inside.

Julianne Parkinson – Newsletter October 2021

In this newsletter, we talk to our global network, including world leading experts in the field of ageing well, Prof Göran Roos about the importance of LifeLabs and co-creating for ageing populations and Prof John Beard about opportunities for Australia to become the global leading in “shaking off the shackles” of outdated thinking when it comes to older people.